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Are You An Arcturian Starseed? (What Is Your Mission & Birth Traits)

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If I know one thing about Arcturian starseeds, it’s this:

They have a powerful sense of self. Arcturian starseeds do not mess around. They understand their worth. They are also extremely good lie detectors. Arcturians are highly intelligent, tech-savvy and dedicated to becoming their best selves.

In this blog, we’ll discuss signs that will help you confirm if you are an Arcturian starseed. Let’s get started, shall we?

Arcturian starseed

Who Are Arcturian’s?

The word “Arcturus” has a Greek origin. It comes from the word “Arktouros”, which means “Guardian Of The Bear”.

Arcturus is believed to be a guiding star. Arcturian starseeds incarnate on the planet to guide the collective to a “better reality”.

Consciousness is rising. Arcturians are here to help us rise with it.

Our Universe is currently going through a period of transition. We are transcending the dense 3D reality and beginning to experience higher dimensions.

As an Arcturian starseed, you are here to help the collective rise above the mundane.

But, before we get into your mission, let’s irst discuss if you are an arcturian starseed as well.

Are You An Arcturian Starseed?

Arcturian starseeds are believed to have their oversoul in the Bootes constellation.

Arcturus is the fourth-brightest star in the night sky.

Arcturians are believed to be technologically advanced beings. They exist in 5th to 11th dimensions.

Arcturians starseeds are incredibly good at understanding, creating and demolishing the “matrix”.

They have active upper chakras(especially crown and third eye chakras). As a result, they sometimes struggle to balance and align their lower three chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus).

Arcturians crunch numbers very easily. In fact, most arcturian starseeds ind themselves working in the IT sector.

Some become excellent teachers, mathematicians, scientists, theologians, philosophers and public speakers.

Arcturians understand crystals like it’s their second nature. This is because they have crystalline souls. Most of them have rainbow auras.

These individuals love to multitask, as it’s the best way for them to channel their energy. Arcturians are full of life.

Their sense of humour is one of their biggest strengths. They face challenges with dignity, grace and respect.

They honour life as a sacred temple. We’re all here to make mistakes and learn from them.

We’re all here for the evolution of our souls. And, Earth is a great school. Arcturians understand that.

Here Is What You Need To Know As An Arcturian Starseed

By now, I hope you have some idea about what it means to be an arcturian starseed. Be honest with yourself. Has the information I’ve shared so far resonated with you? Well, here’s one thing you need to know:

You need to understand your soul’s journey before someone else can confirm it for you.

When we talk about starseed characteristics, we generally discuss traits that come naturally to you. However, as we go through life, things change. We change. It’s not easy to struggle all day every day and feel your “free spirit” at the same time.

It’s not easy to struggle for basic amenities and believe in the magic of the Universe.

This is why most starseeds struggle to ind their origins.

Your star origin isn’t your horoscope.

It’s the essence of your soul. And, your essence doesn’t need validation. It doesn’t even need a deinition.

In the 1960s, Dolores Cannon(a hypnotherapist & psychic researcher) was working with patients with eating issues and a history of smoking. Many of these souls, in trance, repeated, “I came here to raise the vibration of the planet”.

This irst brought our attention to extraterrestrial souls.

Your “starseed origin” is basically an energetic imprint, created as a result of the lives you spent in your “home”.

This home lies in you. You don’t need to seek anyone’s help to feel it.

Yes, people can help you connect with it. But, you need to build that connection. You need to remember. That’s why starseeds awaken.

To fulil your mission, you irst need to create a positive environment for yourself. You need to rise above the pain, and the trauma that your experience on earth has inflicted on you.

Regardless of what I say today, you need to conirm your origin yourself. You need to believe in yourself.

I know it in my heart that my soul originated in Lyra. I believe that I spent a few lifetimes in Pleiades and Andromeda as well.

Regardless of what any article online says about my origin, I know who I am, who I was, & who I need to be.

It’s not always easy to feel it on a conscious level.
But, I know that I am more powerful than I realize, and so are you.